Tatas to invest over Rs 10,000 cr in telecom PTI [THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2002 2:36:21 PM] NEW DELHI: The Tatas
are contemplating an increase in their total investment envisaged in the telecom business beyond Rs 10,000 crore planned earlier,
and a decision would be taken over the next four-six weeks on this issue. The Rs 10,000 crore investment plan
had been drawn up for a six-year period, but it did not have provisions relating to Tatas' acquisition of VSNL, a senior Tata
Industries' official said, pointing out that the group might have to shell out unto Rs 2,600 crore including investment for
mandatory open offer for 20 per cent stake in the telecom giant."The Rs 10,000 crore we had talked about earlier was
essentially for Tata Teleservices and Birla-Tata-AT&T. It did not include National Long Distance, it did not include International
Long Distance that is investments in VSNL," Managing Director of Tata Industries Kishore Chaukar said.Tatas handed over
a cheque of Rs 1439 crore to the government on Wednesday to buy out 25 per cent stake in VSNL."That Rs 10,000 crore will
undergo a change... it can increase", he said.Becoming a strategic partner in VSNL would give Tatas a presence in every
stage of the value chain, Chaukar said, adding, "we are present in cellular, basic and two major elements that complete
the value chain are ILD and NLD." Chaukar said the Tatas would soon set up an "internal" task force to rework
their telecom investments. "We will set up an internal task force to evaluate these investments. We would like to get
some top people from VSNL also to be included in this task force".Asked if the investment figure includes possible bids
for BSNL and MTNL, Chaukar said the Rs 10,000 crore figure did not include that and could change "due to synergies the
VSNL acquisition will bring into our telecom business"."That is why we will have to rework the entire investment
plan. Let me tell you that investment is not a problem".The Tata group is present in the telecom business through six
independent companies - Tata Teleservices, Birla Tata AT&T, Broadband Division of Tata Power, Tata Intranet-division of
Nelco, Tata ISP and Tata Telecom. D.A. EXPECTED: 4% (Total 49%) Leave Travel Concession: As per notification
issued vide No: 31011/10/2000-Estt. (A) Dated 11.01.2002, add: "and widowed daughters" after the word "husbands:
in Clause (ii) under the Heading "Family means." Insurance of house/flats: can be done from any of the
Nationalized Insurance Companies: G.I. MIN.OF urban Devpt. & P.A. O.M. no: I-17011/4/99-H.III dated 19.10.2001, extracts:
The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it has now been decided that Government
servants may be allowed to get their house/flat insured from any of the four nationalized General Insurance Companies of their
choice, irrespective of its location in India. Revised pay scale of OTBP in the Cadre of Group 'D': I am
directed to refer to this office order No: 1-1/97-PAT Dated 6-1-1998 on the subject cited above and to say the case has been
examined in this office in consultation with Ministry of Finance and it is clarified that the Government has prescribed a
new revised pay scale of Rs. 2,610-4,000 as the replacement pay scale for the pre-revised merged pay scale of Rs. 775-1,150
with effect from 1-1-1996. Accordingly, this may be treated as OTBP scale in the instant case. (G.O.I. Dept.of Telecom
No:1-1(%0)/97/PAT dated 9-11-2001) D.A. to be treated as emoluments for Service Gratuity also. G.O.I. Dept.
of P. & P.W. No: 45/86/97-P&PW(A) Pt. I, Dated 4-12-2001. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's
O.M. of even number, dated the 27th October, 1997 on the above subject and to state that Para Nos.4,3 and 6 of the above O.M.
may please be substituted as under : " Emoluments Para. 4.3. - In case of all types of gratuity
under Rules 49 and 50 of the CCS (pension) Rules, DA admissible on the date of retirement/death shall also be treated as emoluments
along with the emoluments as define in Paragraph a4.1 above. Accordingly, Rule 50 (5) of the Pension Rule shall stand modified
to the effect that emoluments for the purpose of gratuity admissible under this rule shall be reckoned in accordance with
Rule 33 and in addition DA admissible on the date of retirement/death of the Central Government shall be traded as emoluments.
Retirement/Death Gratuity Para. 6 - The maximum limit for all kinds of gratuity under Rule 50 of the CCS
(Pension) Rules, 972, shall be Rs. 3.5 lakhs. Accordingly, the first proviso of Rule shall stand modified to the effect the
amount of retirment/death gratuity payable under this rule shall, in no case exceed Rs. 3.5 lakhs." Except
for the above, the other provision of O.M. dated 27-10-1997 stand. Seniority of SC/ST Government servants on promotion
by virtue of rule of reservation/roster. Extracts from G.O.I. Ministry of Personnel, PG&Pensions O.M. No: 20011/2001-Estt.
(D) dated 21.1.2002. 4. Therefore, in pursuance of the aforesaid ;mentioned Constitution (Eighty-fifth) amendment
Act, 2001, it has been decided as follows : (i) (a) SC/ST Government servants shall, on their promotion by virtue
of rule of reservation/roster, be entitled to consequential seniority; and (b) The above decision shall be effective from
17th June 1995. (ii) The instructions contained in DOPT O.M. No: 20011/1/96-Estt. (D) dated 30.1.1997 as well as
the clarifications contained in DOPT O.M. No: 20011/2/97-Estt. (D) dated 21.3.1997 shall stand withdrawn w.e.f. 30.1.1997
itself. (iii) Seniority of Government servants determined in the light of O.M. dated 30.1.1997 shall be revised as if
that O.M., was never issued. (iv) (a) On the basis of the revised seniority, consequential benefits like promotion, pay,
pension etc. should be allowed to the concerned SC/ST Government Servants (but without arrears by applying principle of 'no
work no pay'). (b) For this purpose, senior SC/ST Government Servants may be granted promotion with effect from the date
of promotion of their immediate junior general/OBC Government servants. (c) Such promotion of SC/ST Government Servants
may be ordered with the approval of Appointing Authority of the post of which the Government servant is to be promoted at
each level after follo9wing normal procedure of DPC (including consultation with UPSC). (v) Except seniority other consequential
benefits like promotion, pay etc. (including retrial benefits in respect of those who have already retired) allowed to general/OBC
Government Servant by virtue of implementation of O.M., Dated 30.1.1997 and/or in pursuance of the directions of CAT/Court
should be protected as personal to them. 5. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above decisions
to the notice of all concerned for guidance and compliance. Necessary action to implement the decisions contained in Para
4(iii) above may be completed within three months from the date of issue of these instructions and necessary action to implement
the decision at Para (iv) above may be completed within 6 months from the date of issue of these instructions. updated
by D.D.Mistry on 18.02.2002